The Fifty Acre Garden

The Fifty Acre Garden

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  5. The Fifty Acre Garden
Oro-Medonte, Ontario
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Select all circular tactics you use in your business/organization :
  • Product Life-Cycle Extension
  • Waste as a Resource / Industrial Symbiosis
What is the problem you are trying to solve? :

Trying to provide food for our community, while reducing food waste.

What is your solution? :

We've partnered with the Sharing Place Food Bank in orillia for twice weekly food donations. We aim to donated 1/3 of everything produced. This also includes our ugly food, that is still fit for consumption. Everything not fit is composted and re-used on site.

What is the intended impact you are aiming for? :

Provide healthy, nutritious food to our community in a way that is environmentally (no herbicides or pesticides) and socially responsible.

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